My name is Ibnu Ahsani, a Software Engineer from Jakarta, Indonesia. I graduated college in 2020 and have a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science from Padjadjaran University. I currently have four years of professional experience, focusing on backend technologies across a wide range of business domains, including commerce, media, and anti-fraud.

I’m currently emplyed at eFishery on the Trust team, which deals with anti-fraud. My responsibilities include creating systems to prevent and mitigate fraudulent transactions within the eFishery ecosystem. The primary language I use at work, and the one I’m most familiar with, is Golang.

Over my years as a Software Engineer, I’ve accumulated various skills and learned to use several tools. Here are a few:

  • Intermediate: Git, Golang, PostgreSQL, Redis, REST API, Unit Test, System Design.
  • Basic: NodeJs, CockroachDB, MySQL, Elasticsearch, gRPC, GraphQL, Distributed Systems.

Feel free to reach me anytime via email at